Wednesday, June 18, 2008


The Boston Celtics won the NBA championship. People were jumping, hugging and slapping butts. I think the guys I know are more touchy-feely towards each other. The girls don't go past high-fives. I learned butt slapping among guys is ok but cupping of the butt while slapping is not. I had a coach slap me on the butt once. It was the first and last time. First of all she slapped me pretty hard. Second my butt was already uncomfortable because basketball shorts are conductors of static electricity. Slapping of the butt in this situation is dangerous. In basketball players couldn't wear any jewelry because they can get caught in things or pulled off. But really it's because of the static. If your whole body is building up static from the jersey, sweating from the moving, and then it touches some metal BAM! Electrocution.

Oh, I'm glad the Celtics won by 39 points. Boo Lakers! Boooo.

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