Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I Keep a Fork Handy Now

There are more opportunities to eat at the new office. Almost every meal of outside food has been free. As I’m typing this I’m eating a piece of cake. I already had a chocolate torte for lunch. I still have quiche to eat before I head home. I haven’t packed on the pounds yet.

I don’t watch what I eat but I’m picky. If I like it, I’ll eat tons of it. If I don’t I’ll eat a little. I just finished the slice of cake. Every year I decide I will exercise more and eat healthy. Every year I fail. Work just sent an email. There will be free lunch on Friday and it’s Korean food(I know someone who went to a Korean church for Thanksgiving dinner recently and there was no kimchi. What’s up with that? I love kimchi. I wonder if I have kimchi at my house. My old boss just came by and said she’s going to pack extra kimchi for me on Friday. Score!). It's almost time to go home. Now where's that quiche?

Happy Thanksgiving to all and to all a good night!


Anonymous said...

does that mean if someone sticks free food under your nose, you're automatically going to eat it??

jenblue said...

chu- no