Monday, August 18, 2008

Viva la Fat

i logged onto blogger and found myself staring at the anonymous silhouette version of me.

i attempted to take a picture of myself to post up. for some reason cameras never capture the forgiving light in my room. with the flash i'm like this pale ghost surrounded by darkness, without it i look yellow. And for some reason my camera has the ability to capture every flaw. one area of my forehead looked funny, like shiny mass or wrinkles. i had bags under the eyes. there were shiny and dull areas in my face. i waited for the pixels to clear but they didn't. it was all me. i will settle for the silhouette.

i was discussing food with ann and we like fat. fat tastes good. not like bites of lard or the grease that floats up in liquid but things like bacon, fried apple pie, and dark mystery meat chicken nuggets.

the world is trying too hard to force us to be healthy. i get that some people are dangerously obese but eliminating foods from menus won't save them. one has to choose to eat healthy. if people want to eat bad they will find ways to do it. besides why should i lose my favorite foods just because some lack will power? bring back the ribwich!
pretty soon they'll install chips inside us that will keep track of what we've consumed. these same chips will give off a foghorn like sound when we attempt to eat more than we're allowed. everyone will know that you were the one that ate the rest of the coleslaw and a handful of potato wedges in the middle of the night. but until that day comes let me decide what to eat. if i want to eat fat i'm gonna and there's nothing you can do to stop me.
there was this one time at a bbq drew, alice and i were eating pieces of cold butter. good times.


Anonymous said...

i completely agree. and it's the McRib, not RibWich (although a goo name too). oh how i miss the onions, sauce and was so heavenly...

jenblue said...

Remember the episode of the simpsons where homer goes on a cross country road trip following a doomed artery-clogging fast food sandwich (12th episode, 14th season, thanks wikipedia)?

The name of the sandwich was the Ribwich by the Krusty burger chain. Homer and a bunch of other fast food groupies(Ribheads) followed the burger's tour all over america. Most of its fans were of the same stature as Homer. It's production eventually led to the extinction of the animal it came from.

Still high five on the McRib. That too is an item I wish were still in existence.

Laurie said...

You can have my fat anytime Jen ... next time we eat fried chicken, the fat/skin I can't finish is yours =)

Anonymous said...

I loved that episode of the Simpsons. When asked what kind of animal the Ribwich came from, Krusty said "think smaller and with a lot more legs.."


Anonymous said...

I think I remember that. It had a lot of sauce, and it was messy.

Also, dark meat chicken nuggets were the best! I could seriously eat all 20 of them. Screw sharing!

I hate that Florida has no Jack in the Box! argh!

jenblue said...

i like how this entry on the right to consume fat has sparked so many comments.

i had a sausage biscuit with egg and hash browns this morning. they turned napkins translucent but they were so good.

jenblue said...

I just found out we have fried bananas coated in syrup in the house!

Anonymous said...

MMMMMMmmmmmm fried bananas