Saturday, December 6, 2008

Doormat Mentality

I set a deadline for someone. One friend pointed out that if something were to come up after the deadline I would still respond. Besides the someone doesn't even know there is a deadline. Passive aggressive is easy. I'm mad but I'll act like nothing is up when I'm around them.

While I was occupied with the negative there was all this positive. My friends are super supportive. I'll live without the someone.

So yeah no more sitting around and being taken for granted. No more being stepped on. As Allen Joe said it's time to stop being sad and go back to being awesome. That's what I am awesome. If you agree then you're awesome too and we can be awesome together. If someone can't see that then they're the ones with mud in their eyes.....that sounded much more awesome in my head. You know cleaning dirt off one's shoe..mud..doormat...

Never mind.


Anonymous said...

people suck, friends rock.

Laurie said...

you ARE awesome Jen!