Thursday, December 15, 2011

One Fish Two Fish Red-Faced Fish

on saturday, i attended jocelyn's mom's work's mardi gras-themed christmas party. it felt like an alcoholic prom or a wedding full of strangers. they had coat check-ins, masks, beads, a buffet, dancing, live bands and a gambling hall to for the 2,000 attendees.

we did not make a beeline towards the food. jocelyn insisted we gamble first. something is off when she chooses gambling over food. the gambling room was not ready so we ate first.

buffets are probably the things i dread the most when it comes to asian people-watching. the group in front of me decided to load onto their plates everything (ironically except rice). taking the entire tray of oysters including the tray was a bit much i think.

then off to gambling. the point was to gain as many chips as possible to purchase as many raffle tickets as possible in order to increase the chances of winning as many prizes as possible. there were black jack, poker, roulette, and spin the wheel things. we played black jack...for over three hours.

i see where jocelyn gets her no sham...fear attitude from. her mom practically said to the dealer he was going to help her win(give her) lots of chips. i was impressed and scared of how persuasive she was. the guy assisted us (peeking at cards, not taking away chips when we lost). he reminded me of chekov (the anton yelchin one). we learned some things about him and he of us. there was even a group picure with him. but before you take it another step further let me say something. he was divorced and possibly eighteen. legal but still, eewww.

there was some more awkward when we met a less than sober coworker of jocelyn’s mom who was affectionate towards jocelyn and later when i asked what was a king cake was this guy said, “it's mine. ‘cuz I’m the king.”

overall i had lots of fun and our group ended up with two gift cards.

the next day at church i was told about a possible prospect. he sounded ok. before anything could be arranged the woman quickly mumbled he was divorced. not to worry, he has no kids. another plus, it was a really short marriage that didn’t mean anything. i politely declined.

i miss the days when i didn’t have to worry about someone being too young or being pre-owned or both.

“if you win the X-box, can I have it?” - jocelyn

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