Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Average Non-traditional Bridal Weekend – Monday



we ate the weekend’s (not yet) spoils for lunch. too many ribs, not enough stomach space.

there was organizing of kitchen. there weren't enough shelves in the cabinets so it was off to target/walmart/toys r us for those.

pandemic! gah africa!

the labeling of three hundred puzzle pieces for the wedding guest book/photo thing. yay for pre-printed stickers.

don’t give jocelyn any lava-making devices in minecraft or in life.

we had tacos and eveyone used everyone else's name except their own for their orders. since i was last i decided to use posey. it is a very difficult name for people to say or read causing only confusion and delay of taco delivery.

jocelyn decided to be a human jukebox on the way home. Singing louder equals hitting the high notes apparently. it was a two hour drive.

“This whole kitchen wasn’t built for me. Everything is too tall” – Jocelyn

“Are you loud because you’re blind without your glasses so you use sonar like a bat?” – Allen N.

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