Friday, October 24, 2014

Always October (every even year)

It's an even year. Guess who's in the World Series again.

Unlike the last one, I'm in the country this time.

It was awful being away knowing the Giants were in the playoffs. I wouldn't know the status of games until I got back to the hotel at night or when I woke up in the morning. I still remember how Twitter was ablaze with Barry Zito support tweets. It was surreal landing back on US soil on the day of the celebration parade and being able to watch the whole thing on TV.

It's two years later. I'm on American soil but I'm not watching the games. WTF? You may ask. Why would I not watch every single second if I'm at home and it's being shown on network TV?

Because, that's what a good fan does. You do whatever it takes to help the team. You eat the same food. You watch the game from the same spot. You wear the same shirt for days. Whatever it takes even if that means not watching the game.

Maybe I should clarify.

During the year I noticed the team wouldn't do so well whenever I watched games on TV (It was a mixed bag with watching games at the park). The other team would do really well when I was watching. There aren't many games shown on network TV and I have no cable so it was hard to say for sure.

It was during the playoffs when my theory started to make sense. During the series with the Nationals the Giants won all the games that I didn't watch. The one game they lost I happen to walk by a bar while the game was on, watched a few seconds of it, and the Giants lost. During the series with the Cardinals, yup that was probably me too. I was at a Chili's eating enchiladas when it looked like Duffy had saved the day. Nope, walk-off win by the Cards.

My friends insisted I was being ridiculous. There's no way me watching could affect the outcome of the game. I don't have that sort of power/curse.

Confirmation reared its head during the last game of the Cardinal series. My friends bought way too much fried chicken (at the best Popeyes located in Colma where they give you hella hot sauce) and going to another friend's place to eat. The Giants were trailing for a while. When I left the room, Michael Morse hit a home run to tie the game. I come back and Cards load the bases. I leave the room again and the Giants were able to pitch out of it. So I decided to stay out of the room. The Giants got on base. Then it got eerily quiet.

My friends looked at me. One of them sadly said, "Jennifer, you can never watch baseball again". Ishikawa hit a walk-off home run to win the game. They were going to the World Series.

So yeah, now I can't watch any World Series games. 

You're welcome fellow Giants fans.

Me: Ok which Giants player would you want to present you with a world series ring? Doesn’t have to be on the active roster. Can be any player in the team’s history.
Ann: JT SNOW! Or Barry Zito. Ok, so who would you….never mind. Stupid question.   
Me: I thought we were friends

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