this morning i got to work annoyed since i stayed up late to check the score for the giants game in which they lost. but then i looked at my outlook calendar and there in my list of scheduled of things to do was the giants game i'd be going to soon. just fifteen more days and i'd get to see buster posey in person. yay!
around lunch time i was cleaning around my desk and thought the underside of it made a good hiding space. so i crawled underneath and squatted there. i wondered if buster posey happened to also be squatting getting ready for tonight's game.
then i came back from lunch. i got an email titled, “depression”. i open it and the person says how sorry she is to hear about what happened to buster posey and wanted to cheer me up.
what was she talking about? i knew they lost the game but she’s never emailed me about losses. i heard he’s expecting twins but that’s a happy thing. so i went online and was greeted with the headline “Buster Posey Breaks Ankle”. i gasp and clasp my hands to my mouth. it's like i sucked my hands to my face and slapped myself. i click on the link and there’s an image of buster posey lying face down over home plate.
i haven’t cried in quite some time. the last time was around october. i didn’t cry but i could feel the tears swell up in my eyes and my heart drop as i read what had happened. then i got mad so i sat under my desk for awhile. then i watched video of what happened and i wasn’t as mad at the guy who hurt buster posey since he rushed over right after to check up on him. it's all part of the game. cathcers know what they're getting themselves into. the other guy wanted to score the winning run and if buster posey could tag him it be over. so he had to run him over, knock his mask off and break his ankle (oh, here comes the tears again).
but the whole thing had me rather upset. for a split second i really wanted a hug. since there was no one to immediately hug i gave up on that idea and went back to sitting underneath my desk.
buster posey is possibly out for the rest of the season. who am i suppose to shout flirtatious things to now?
awww buster posey. get well soon.
12 years ago
1 comment:
oh brother...
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