Sunday, September 13, 2009

TV --> Memory + Happy

it's been said tv rots the brain but i don't think that's true. if anything i think tv preserves mine. why do i say this? is this post being sponsored by some major network? (hey if someone were to offer a sponsorship i would not decline. adulthood is expensive, seriously).

recently i find myself having problems remembering things. granted this could due to old age and fatigue. i deduce that since tv is no longer stretching my brain to its limits my brain has gotten lazy. tv bombards us with so much at once the brain must work quickly to process it. since i have to find ways to fill the time there is no time for my brain to recoup at the end of the day. it doesn't take a whole lot of effort to sit and absorb stuff. i think tv is what i need to reboot my memory.

i think tv also calms my nerves. i listen to music, read and journal but there's just something about tv that is so calming to me. my parents and i get into weekly "loud discussions" now. my parents pointed out that i wasn't so quick to anger before.

i'm not sure how i will test this out.

anyone want to buy me a flat screen tv? i'll remember stuff and will be less angry if you do.

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