Monday, March 2, 2009

Light Bulb Moment

Sometimes my sisters and I can talk to each other without it resulting in a shouting match. For example, we were discussing donuts and came to agree on the donut hole as the overall favorite. One of them didn't get how they could be called holes if they had no hole in them. We explained to her they were the middles of donuts.

One sister brought up teasing and how as young girls we’re told that a boy who teases you likes you. Don't worry about the lack of respect this boy has for you by causing you discomfort because he likes you. As a result some women end up with jerks. If they believe teasing equals fondness then abuse must equal love. No wonder the phrase “nice guys finish last” seems true. If we are taught as children that teasing is a sign of affection we assume this person is a suitor. Any nice interaction is automatically taken to be platonic. It’s time to break away from this way of thinking. Teasing should not be awarded with a valentine or giggles. It should be met with a restraining order.

“I’ve reached my hug quota for the year, possibly for the rest of my life” – me (on the day of the baptism).


Laurie said...

I love how you quote yourself.

Anonymous said...

touche.... good point about the krptonite comment...