i'm home on a work day. this is the first time i've ever missed a day of work. time is moving so slowly. i strained my neck the day before and it hurts to turn my head. it's more of an annoyance. of course i was super responsible and did all my work yesterday and i told my boss i would be off and she could call me at home if she needed anything.
i'm not sure how to describe my current situation. for the past couple of months there are have been peaks and valleys. despite the physical ailments everything else seems to be looking up.
drew came for a visit and it was really nice seeing him and syche. it always feels so short but when there's a chance to say a bunch of stuff i can't find the words. despite all the "niceness" it felt sad at the same time. not the leaving part the catching up part. i know this person is my friend and i miss him but at the same time it's like being reintroduced all over again. do we still have anything in common? what will i say to him? has he changed?
i've been writing to guy from second wedding. it's like having a pen pal who consistently writes back. it's kinda sweet because if there's a delay on his part he'll write to say why there's a delay. in the third grade the teacher tried to get us to be pen pals with another class in another state. i forget where but the gal's name was daniella. i think i got two letters from her the entire year. new friends are great. reminds one that life is not set in stone and is constantly changing. i wonder though what's going to happen once the newness wear's off. most of the friends i know now are people that i've had constant contact with for years. he may be the first friend that i've met just once and have talked to past that first meeting. i hope i don't run out of things to say. impossible? we'll have to see. haha, i don't even know if we're friends. he's on my facebook. i should ask him, "are we friends now?"
it's raining outside. maybe my neck pain is really arthritis from the weather.
i should feel happy but i don't want to get attached to it. i don't know how long this will last and i'm already focused and what's going to happen once the bad stuff comes. i'm at a party and i'm on the way out before they've cut the cake. The whole thing is just dumb. Stop being emo. the advil isn't working.
12 years ago
1 comment:
we have a lot in common! and i've only changed in my appearance (as i'm black now)
in 2nd grade our teacher made us have pen pals. mine sent me a picture. he looked like michael jackson. i still have his picture somewhere...
i miss you!
i'll be back in 4 weeks (for more eating)
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