At the last wedding I attended sparks flew, at this one not so much. But still it was really fun.
Again I bought a dress the weekend before and it was again crazy because I have this knack for shopping only when it's some sort of a one day sale. I found the right one hanging in the dressing room. Thanks shopper who was too lazy to put her clothes back.
laurie drove and an asian car gang sped past us going in and out of lanes. Each tried to occupy one lane and then they slowed down to like 55 mph on the freeway. They held up traffic for what felt like hours but it was maybe for 1/60th of one.
We stopped to pick up another gal and her house was sterile white with exposed beams and a pool! If I had a pool I would race remote controlled boats. I would have one flaming boat in the middle and a pirate boat and a lagoon and a crocodile that goes tick tock...
Based on our work from the last wedding we were asked to help out with this one. It was so much easier because eveything was organized into tupperware for each phase.
Ushers escorted us to our seats and there was a guy sitting there with his friends and he was smiling at me. Just as I was about to sit down my group decided to relocate. I noticed later on he was chatting it up with another gal who sat next to him. If they get married I should get invited.
They had the ring bearers walk down to the top gun theme. I almost cried again during the ceremony but I didn't want my make-up to run.
Then it was off to set up for the dinner but first detour to jamba juice. the cashier asked me what free boost I wanted and I said he could surprise me. Caffeine it was.
At dinner we had a fun table. It was nice getting to know people again. The guy next to me graduated the same year but was from a different fellowship. The pda was very controlled at this wedding. I think the bride and groom kissed like 5 times. Rice came at the end and I really wanted a bowl but none came so I used my plate. It's hard eating rice with chopsticks on a plate. Then the waitress just randomly drops off one bowl right after I'm done eating. There was dancing at the end and that was fun. I did feel really old though next to those high school kids.
When I got home I looked like a egyptian raccoon that had been punched in the eyes.
At the end of the night I didn't find a new obsession but I did find a new friend to add to my facebook, 40th friend to be exact.
12 years ago
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