Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Not in the Face

When you're home all day parents find a way of lecturing you. Today it was on how much texting costs. So no more texts from now on.

I played softball this weekend. I was trying to be supportive and they were short one player. I found myself as the outfield rover. I don't like outfield. There's a chance a ball may come towards me. It's times like these I wish for telekinesis or a force field or ball repellent. So here I was standing in a field in the fog clutching my glove to my chest and I prayed, "God, I'm nervous".

This one hit came at me and instead of running away which would make sense I just sat to block it from getting past me. I took it right above both knees. It was awkward. It stung like hell. I felt like a new born giraffe trying to get up.

But what a game. There was a somersault, father and son running across the plate back to back, and a diving catch. We still lost but (dare i say it?) I had fun.

Moving hurts right now.

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