a common complaint of new hires at work is weight gain. they don't seem to know why they pack on the pounds the first few months they arrive. the newest hire in my department says she is fat because she now weighs 135 lbs (i weigh more than that. is she calling me fat?).
whenever my department has a meeting we get breakfast. my coworkers shot down my suggestion because it wasn't healthy. one even had the audacity to say, "when i get their(mcdonald's) breakfast i throw the hash brown away". how could someone in their right mind throw away a perfectly good slab of hot salty crispy goodness? whatever, i've seen her eat hash browns many times. i'm not afraid of being the odd one out because i openly enjoy fried foods.
my coworkers settled on dim sum. one wanted 9 ha gaos per person (she fake hates hash browns and she's out to kill me). they had the new hire place the order. we each got a box containing 3 ha gaos, 2 pan-fried turnip cakes, 3 kinds of baos and 1 egg roll. hmm, i wonder where those extra pounds are coming from?
as my coworkers emptied their boxes i looked down at mine and thought, "in america we eat hand-held fried potato patties for breakfast not deadly shrimp-filled dumplings".
viva la hash browns!
12 years ago