Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Thousand Words/Misunderstandings

i like working in a cubicle. i pretend it’s a fort and on rainy days i’ll leave my umbrella to dry in the cubicle’s entry way to prevent invaders from walking in uninvited (or coworkers from seeing me web surf). granted the walls are low and it’s not as private as an office but still it’s a person’s space.

for months i left my cubicle bare of personal effects then i noticed that nearly all my coworkers decorated with pictures of their spouses and offspring. so i decided to put up pictures too. one is of jocelyn taken at disneyland. she’s a bit of a mess and doesn’t look happy at all. she insists she was imitating beast but we all know it was probably because she was hungry. i keep it at work because the face she makes is how i feel at work sometimes. another is her school picture. both are posted on my cubicle wall next to a card with a cat on it and a picture of me right before the giant’s world series parade.

i didn’t think it be much of a problem until today.

we have an IT tech on site this week who’s been upgrading our workstations. he points to jocelyn’s school picture and asks what grade she’s in. he thought she was my kid. i say she’s my age which he doesn’t seem to believe. so, i go on to say she teaches science which is why she’s wearing goggles over her glasses. he’s glad i pointed that out because he thought she wore them because she was special. i'm not totally sure why i said it but all of a sudden i blurted out,

“oh, and she’s not my girlfriend either. i know this is SF but i don’t like girls in that way”.

as he laughed at what I said I realized he probably hadn't made that sort of assumption but it was too late.

next time, when the tech comes, i am putting all my pictures away.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

User ID Revoked

You are now chatting with 'Amir'
Amir: Welcome to Secure Chat. I would be happy to assist you with your request today.
Jennifer: Hi Amir. Thank you. I would like to have my password reset please.
Amir: Your password has bee unlocked. Would you like to try your old password or would you like a new password?
Jennifer: Let me try my old password. If that doesn't work then let's go with a new one.
Amir: You changed it today
Jennifer: Yes. I thought I wrote it down correctly after I changed it but apparently I did not. How embarrassing.
Amir: LOL
Amir: Would you like me to reset it?
Jennifer: Ok I definately wrote it down wrong. FAIL.
Jennifer: Yes please reset it.
Amir: Hold on please
Amir: This will be your password XXXX. Would you please confirm you are able to successfully login?
Jennifer: Ok it worked. I even signed in a second time to make sure I wrote it down correctly this time. =P
Jennifer: Thank you for you help Amir. I will try hard not to lock myself out again today.
Amir: j/k
Jennifer: lol
Amir: Thank you for chatting with us. we value your feedback. Please click the "Close" button at top right to answer a few questions about your experience with us today. Have a great day!
Jennifer: Thank you. Have a nice evening.
Amir: U 2