Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Bye Bye Birdie

Alexander died today.

My sister called me at work to tell me that. I started to giggle at first because I didn't recognize her voice (She's battling a sore throat and is currently losing). I thought maybe he was buried in the back yard but my dad took him to skyline because Alexander always valued higher education (or he was worried my sisters would insist and handling the corpse to make sure he was gone).

I think he came to the family my sophomore year of college. I was surprised at first because we had loss our previous bird a month before. I didn't feel like raising another one. One summer Alexander stayed in Berkeley with me since my family went to Lake Tahoe. He liked watching tv with me and didn't mind me eating toast and ramen at 3:00am. He liked warm days because I'd leave him on the balcony and he'd watch the squirrels run by.

I told him about my break-up and he was supportive. He jumped from his perch and loudly chirped at me. (I realized later he was trying to signal me to feed him).

He liked playing peek-a-boo. He would do this side shuffle thing whenever any of us were on the exercise bicycle.

He'd imitate the sound of the sliding screen door and the telephone. He could say his name and "i love you." He would often put the two together and say "Alexander, I love you".

Over the years I've had to console a number of customers when their pets pass away. I would say that it wouldn't want them to be sad. It was fortunate enough to have a home and to pass away with owners who cared for it.

I just didn't expect him to go so soon.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Why You Mad?

During this one trip I had wanted to use a pillow to suffocate one of my friends because of the snoring. When you walk for hours in a crowded theme park surrounded by kids a nice long sleep is what I needed. I was tired of waking up in the middle of the night thinking the earth was splitting in two or someone was drowning. What a terrible person I was for thinking of assaulting someone because of their snoring. But then I read this little story today.

Fla. teen allegedly attacks dad for loud snoring
