I will never become an actor (and I no longer want to date one).
i can be bold at times, bolder than i would expect. But I cannot perform in front of a live audience. I can't be bold when those around me expect to see it.
Last sunday there was a new guy at church. jocelyn tactfully suggested for me to go say hi. i had an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach. i have more standards besides just male and single. but it didn't hurt to say hi so i made my way over. i couldn't get there. my magnetic personality drew all these people to me and i had to say hi. he was talking to someone and this one gal pushed past me to talk to him. i go back to my seat relieved divine intervention..intervened.
after church i was pulled out to meet him. i was too embarrassed to blush (the blood vessels in my checks were too embarrassed to be seen with me). we said hi.
then it was off to westlake and new guy ends up there with because he knew this other guy and his wife who knew us. later, we went to trader joe's where lemons are sold by the tree. we spoke.
i decided to watch zq's current short film and let's just say if the censors had their way the dialouge would be one continuous beep.
so what lesson have i learned? i'm happy as a single gal.
i have the first two seasons so i decided to get the third today. the guy at the register wanted to talk to me about sylar. *bleh*
[end scene]
12 years ago