Monday, June 22, 2009


I was just working on a post yesterday titled "Where is the Love?" and apparently I have my answer now. It's infiltrated the group.

I know we had one earlier this year to get things rolling. you know beginning of the end to being marriage-free but wow how quickly the end is coming.

So last weekend allen n is all telling me he has to be at a friend's engagement and then today i find out online who's engagement it is and my first thought is, " Life, why do you use my words against me?". Well, actually i gasped first but once the oxygen came back to the brain that was my first thought. Wait, no, there was a "I knew it!" in there and a "oh great, how long until he tells me this directly?". But anywhoo....

So late last year I was feeling engagement/wedding fatigue from all the happy news and i said if i hear of another engagement i'd scream. well life you win. since all these took place the beginning of this year i can't scream.

But 3 in one year? in one group if you include nonactive members?

who is next? who is next?!

i need to sit down for a moment.

Why don't you just make it 4 engagements in the group this year Life, you still have half a year left.

i dare you.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Why TV?! Why?!!!!!

I have a few things in life I enjoy. TV is one of them. It talk me how to speak English (lol, word should be taught. i didn't "talk" me well apparently). It taught me about racism. Cars going around in circles can be a sport. Flashing a boob on TV is a career killer. As long as you look hot you can be famous. It distracts me from earthquakes. I don't have to think because it thinks for me.

I've never had cable at home. the logic was we watch enough free network TV so cable would just be too much. But now we are forced to go digital or watch no TV. one of our TVs had already been hooked up because of the false start in the digital switch a few months back. All i had to do was hook up one more TV in the house. About 10 scans, 3 battery switches, and one collapse to the ground later it was able to scan for 10 channels. Out of the 10, 5 were in English. Out of that 3 channels didn't skip or weren't repeats.

surfing lags because there's a 3 second pause. the picture seems clearer but it's hard to tell since it is surrounded all around by a 5 inch blackness. everybody looks smaller. occasionally, everybody turns into blocks. The sound skips. If it's a weak signal? Darkness and silence.

I have decided on the theme song for this new era in television "New Divide" by Linkin Park. This switch to digital has separated me from my favorite shows and networks. Good-bye ABC and NBC. We have to go our separate ways now because your signals are out of reach. How i will miss you both. i miss NBC more than ABC. Stupid ABC got rid of "pushing daisies". No more HEROES or CHUCK. I used flair credits to save Chuck. Good bye ZQ you will only exist now in my heart and as my cell wallpaper. All i have left is FOX. Oh no, FOX news, will that be my new comedy hour? I will not watch the CW's network prime time programming(CBS, you can die too). You killed Veronica and the Gilmore Girls and I swore on their graves I would never go back to you.

I miss analog signals. Why does everything I love leave me? I should start loving world hunger or aids or cancer. Do some good with my curse.

Just when I was going to curl into a ball hope was on the horizon. It's going to be alright because there's always HULU! I love you HULU. Don't leave me. You're all I have left.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


so at work more than one person has commented on my skin. today someone asked, "how do you keep your skin so pale?". i narrowed my gaze and said quietly, "don't you know? i'm a vampire." then i jumped over the counter, turned into a bat and flew down montgomery street.

No that didn't really happen but what a story it would be if it did. I just shrugged and said I was born this way. Plus i wear sunscreen even though i spend most of my time indoors.

now that i think about it i do burn rather easily in the sun. i like my red meat bloody. i feel a hundred years old. i wear dark colors. i tend to creep up on people. i see better in the dark than i do in light. i'm really strong..brain-wise. i age pretty well. i would die if a stake was put through my heart.

maybe i am a vampire....or just an emo asian.