We went on a mission of destruction. We were 4 people in our mid-20’s in a sea of parents and kids in the aisle of a toy store. We were deciding on which foam dart gun each of us should buy because we wanted to shoot each other. As a kid you can’t buy this stuff but now that we’re adults…tee hee. Of course if I managed my money more wisely I could buy some property thereby giving us a venue to go shoot one another. With no venue we decided to go with laser tag. I am so looking forward to January right now. There's going to be shooting, and food, and ann's visit, oh yes.
On the way to work my sister and I take in some of the sights. She noticed a seagull picking a bag out of the trash. We were curious as to how it would get at the food inside. The bird carried the package, walked into traffic, and left the bag there. A car drove by missing the bag. The bird then picked up the package and moved it further into traffic. Turns out it was trying to get a car to run over the bag, causing it to pop allowing the bird to get at its contents. Genius.
I woke up at four one morning and tried to go back to sleep. A noise had startled me. For some reason my first thought was "ALIENS!" I sat up to see if it would happen again. After a few minutes the same noise but I realized it was my stomach. Apparently, it did not agree with the Japanese food prepared by Koreans.
Since I work near C-town (I don't know if that's the slang for it) I can have lunch with my po po. At one point she said, “Eat more fish. It’s fresh and it’s a swimming fish.” (Don’t all fish swim? It wasn't the Michael Phelps of the group obviously). She has already requested this be weekly lunch. Maybe she will find me a walking fish next.
One crisp morning I dropped by a dim sum place before work to buy some breakfast. Stores were opening up. Pigeons were picking at trash cans. Seniors were doing tai chi. It's exciting to see the buns stacked up steaming in trays. It reminded me of being a kid and getting steamed buns for breakfast before going to school. I never expected to be doing the same thing as an adult. As I bit into the warm steamed bun I realized I better eat quickly before the smell of the city ruined my appetite.